Forecasting Conference

The Institute is delighted to host The Foresight Practitioner Conference on October 5-6, 2016. Produced in conjunction with Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting, the conference program features talks by nine forecasting experts, including Anne Robinson, Executive Director of Supply Chain Strategy and Analytics at Verizon Wireless and former President of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS); and Michael Gilliland, Product Marketing Manager at SAS and Foresight Editor for Forecasting Practice. Foresight is published by the nonprofit International Institute of Forecasters (IIF).

Become a Practicum Sponsor

The Institute invites interested organizations to submit proposals to sponsor a practicum team project for the Master of Science in Analytics (MSA) Class of 2017. Since 2007, our students have conducted a wide variety of projects—110 with 70 sponsors—from virtually every industry sector, as well as state and federal government agencies and non-profits. Sponsors identify challenging business objectives and share data for their student team to analyze. Continue reading “Become a Practicum Sponsor”

MSA Class of 2017

Applying for Class of 2017

The Institute welcomes applicants for the Master of Science in Analytics (MSA) Class of 2017, our 10th student cohort, which will begin studies next summer. The MSA is the nation’s longest running full-fledged master’s degree program in data science with an unparalleled track record for producing highly sought-after graduates. Applications are now being reviewed and the process will continue on a rolling basis, so apply early. Continue reading “Applying for Class of 2017”

Institute Expands Job Placement

The Institute continues to broaden the scope of employment options for its graduates in the Master of Science in Analytics (MSA) degree program. The fall semester is in full swing and the Institute has welcomed a number of new and returning employers for information sessions. Among new visitors is the Institute’s first non-U.S. based employer B2W Digital, headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The information sessions give employers an opportunity to meet with all 114 candidates in the MSA Class of 2016 as a prelude to recruiting during spring semester. Continue reading “Institute Expands Job Placement”

Teams Kick-off Practicum Projects

Twenty-three teams of Master of Science in Analytics (MSA) students spread out across the country the past few weeks to kick-off practicum projects with their sponsors. From Boston to Seattle and Chicago to Orlando, teams traveled to meet with executives to review business objectives and to familiarize themselves with the sponsor organization and industry. The MSA Class of 2016 brings the total number of practicum projects to 110 with 80 sponsors since the Institute’s inception in 2007. The projects cover a wide spectrum of problem areas and industries. Continue reading “Teams Kick-off Practicum Projects”