Business demand for graduates with data analytics knowledge and skills has exploded, while the field itself is still evolving and changing rapidly, with new strategies, tools, and techniques coming online daily. These dynamics are challenging business schools to respond with innovative programs and curricular approaches that are connected deeply with practice. To this end the AACSB has developed Data Analytics Seminar as part of its ongoing Curriculum Development Series.
The seminar is organized by group of leading faculty in analytics including: the Institute’s Director and Distinguished University Professor, Dr. Michael Rappa, who proposed and led the development of the country’s first graduate degree aimed squarely at business analytics; Dr. Paul Cronan, Professor of Information Systems and the M. D. Matthews Chair in Information Systems at the Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas; Dr. David Douglas, University Professor and Walton Professorship, Information Systems, the Co-Director for the Institute for Advanced Data Analytics and Director of Enterprise Systems at the Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas; Dr. Michael Goul, Associate Dean for Research and Professor at the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University; and Dr. Vallabh Sambamurthy, Eli Broad Professor and Chairperson of Accounting and Information Systems, Broad College of Business, Michigan State University. Each of the four universities—Arkansas, Arizona State, Michigan State, and NC State—have very active analytics degree programs.
The seminar focuses on how to develop, implement and deliver data analytics programs and other curriculum components that meet the highest academic standards consistent with AACSB accreditation expectations, as well as the needs of the business community and prospective students. Original content and cases, discussions and group activities, meetings with data analytics executives, and other experiences have been designed to assist schools initiate and expand their work in this vital area.
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