Teams Kick-off Practicum Projects

Twenty-four student teams in the Master of Science in Analytics (MSA) held meetings with their sponsors in various locations around the country. The teams spoke with executives to review business objectives and familiarize themselves with the sponsor organization. The Class of 2020 brings the total number of practicum projects to 203, with lead 118 sponsors (and many more participating sponsors) since the Institute’s inception in 2007. The projects cover a wide spectrum of problem areas and industries, including the Institute’s first project with a steel company, Ryerson.

“A cornerstone of the MSA experience is direct engagement with real world data,” said the Institute’s director Dr. Michael Rappa. “The projects allow students the opportunity hone their data skills, learn how to engage with client organizations, wrestle with complex data, formulate deliverables, and meet tight deadlines. The Institute is extremely grateful to all of the sponsors for the opportunity to work with our teams.”

Slideshow of team photos from kick-off meetings: